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Use the Pain

I have been feeling a little emotional of late and my body has also been really sore, so I can really resonate with feeling pain at the moment, emotionally and physically!

I know my body gets sore if I push myself too hard or I am not very kind to myself. It’s my body signalling to me to slow down.

More on body and emotional connection in a blog coming soon…

But this quote therefore really resonated with  me..

“There’s going to be pain along the way and the pain is such a great way of knowing that you are simply letting go of the limitations, this is what pain tells you and shows you.” Ghazaleh

It’s important however not to get lost in the pain of your journey. It’s simply a gauge that you are moving beyond your limitations and of course this is going to hurt the ego! But this pain is not Suffering.

Suffering is when you have given your attention to the thoughts in your mind and you have fallen victim to these thoughts, all of which is so unnecessary. Take the time to practice bringing your attention into the here and now and you’ll realise that the suffering is optional.

use the pain


  • Emma Spencer-Goodier
    Posted September 1, 2015 at 6:16 pm

    ‘But this pain is not Suffering.Suffering is when you have given your attention to the thoughts in your mind and you have fallen victim to these thoughts, all of which is so unnecessary. ‘ – so true and wise – thank you. x

  • Emma Spencer-Goodier
    Posted September 1, 2015 at 6:16 pm

    ‘But this pain is not Suffering.Suffering is when you have given your attention to the thoughts in your mind and you have fallen victim to these thoughts, all of which is so unnecessary. ‘ – so true and wise – thank you. x

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