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Food Biocompatibility Testing (500+ items) is a simple, non-invasive test that requires a small sample of hair to identify the influence (positive or negative) that wide range of foods and household products have on a cellular level – in this way, we are then able to determine which foods and products should be avoided and which should be consumed/used. It is based on the way in which foods and products benefit the individual person.

While most traditional diets and eating plans are aimed at suppressing symptoms or solely on avoiding foods foods that commonly give rise to adverse symptoms, biocompatibility testing approaches the problem at a deeper level – we are enhancing cellular function by feeding the body in line with the bio-compatability results.

The focus of the 6-month wellness programme is NOT on avoiding foods, It is focused on repairing what areas of the body are not functioning well enough and using the remaining foods on the list to reduce inflammation and repair cellular function so the body can repair as much as possible naturally

dips veggies

What Is The Test Useful For?

  • Digestive issues – bloating, cramping, indigestion, irritable bowel, constipation

  • Skin problems – psoriasis, eczema, acne, unusual rashes

  • Arthritis, Pain & Inflammation

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Chronic Hayfever & Sinusitis

  • Behavioural Issues

  • Fatigue

How Does The Test Work?

  • Based on the electrical systems of the body – every cell requires electrical stimulation to function correctly. Incompatible foods/products can interfere with this electrical stimulation

  • All cells have their own electro-magnetic signature. This electromagnetic field in both the hair and the food are brought together and either attract (compatible) or repel (incompatible). If energy systems within the body are compromised in any way by a food/product that is biologically incompatible, cells cannot function optimally. This may lead to an immune response, inflammation and ultimately reactive symptoms

  • Correct cellular function leads to good organ function, which leads to good immunity and elimination so that the body can repair naturally

  • The biocompatibility system complements and integrates easily with any other therapy or medication by simply removing foods and household items that are testing negative for your particular body

What Does The Hair Analysis Test For ?

  • The standard test covers a list of 500 items, including all food groups, bathroom, laundry, gluten-free and kitchen products. It includes common local brands found in supermarkets and health food stores ($249)

  • The baby’s list adds another 57 commonly used items for babies including creams and powders, medications, shampoos, soaps, wipes, nappies, formula and commercial baby foods ($260)

  • Extra lists of common products from Coles, Woolworths & ALDI can be purchased for an additional $30 each

What Does The Report Include?

  • Test results for over 500+ items from Australian supermarkets

  • 16 Page comprehensive report to be used to formulate an appropriate treatment plan

  • A 4 week progress form which you fill out and return for a follow-up assessment

  • Progress forms to fill in for the remaining 5 months of a 6 month programme

  • Discount voucher for re-test in 6 months

When Can I Begin?

  • Straight Away! Give me a call or send me an email and we can discuss. Ideally, you can book an appointment and we chat through everything then so I can get to know your health history for a concise treatment protocol.