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Rebirthing Breathwork & Shamanic Cacao Ceremony

I’m very excited to now offer Rebirthing Breathwork and Shamanic Cacao ceremonies.

Breathwork has also always been such a game changer for my nervous system and belief systems.

Adding these beautiful modalities to my toolbox is helping me to see much quicker results as I work on not just the physical but also the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that are blocking optimum health as well as the energy body.  

Breathwork really helps to reset the nervous system and allow you to feel safe to release trauma held deep within the physical body and mind. 

I studied Rebirthing Breathwork a few years ago, to deepen our own healing using our own medicine, our breath. 

It’s amazing how gentle, yet powerful this breathwork is and how much release and shifts I have experienced. 

Coconut spice Reiki Bondi

 Rebirthing Breathwork

Are you feeling a bit stuck and stagnant with low energy? Do your limiting beliefs hold you back from being your best self? Is your nervous system on flight & fight constantly?


Rebirthing breathwork is the ‘yin’ of all breathwork, helping to calm and reset the nervous system to come back to a sense of oneness, love & connection with self and a safety within our body so we can release blocks and old trauma held in our bodies. 


Rebirthing breathwork can help us to connect into a part of ourselves where we feel safe to release old stories and limiting beliefs that have been holding us back. We can receive such clarity as we journey inwards and come back into our hearts and into a renewed versions of ourselves.


It can really help us to let go of old tension held in the body and unresolved emotions & resentment trapped in our physical body that we didn’t feel safe to process or feel.


Yoga & breath have been a big part of my life and spiritual journey of healing and I have been blown away by the power of our breath for healing.


Rebirthing breathwork is a conscious connected breath in & out of our nose traditionally, that awakens our energy body and helps us to unlock the breathing mechanism.


Our breath is our own medicine where we can awaken our energy body and move stuck energy. 

This breathwork can help us to:

  • regulate our nervous systems

  • create safety in our bodies so we can release old patterning & limiting beliefs

  • shift old trauma, pain & stagnant energy held in our physical bodies

  • drop into deeper beta and theta states

  • feel more connected to our light & essence

  • gain clarity on who we are, our purpose and goals

  • access our subconscious and embodied knowing

I offer group breathwork journeys as well as 1:1 breathwork sessions where you can really go deep in a safe space.

Ideally you go on a journey of 10 breathwork sessions, to help to unlock the breathing mechanism that’s often locked due to fear and trauma, allowing our bodies to relax where we’re stuck, mainly the pelvis, belly, jaw and throat. We start to feel more embodied and safe within ourselves to release limiting beliefs and trauma held in our physical body.

To find out more, or to set up a free 15 minute chat to see if I can help you, please contact me below. 

Shamanic Cacao Ceremonies

I have recently also completed a powerful journey of a shamanic Cacao ceremonalist facilitation training from the 7 Rays lineage from Peru! 

This amazing loving, yet powerful plant medicine of Cacao has really cracked my heart open and asked me to really see, understand and know what needs to shift, change and be released. To help me to open up deeper to love myself, others and my connection to Mother Earth and the elements, oceans and my allies. Seeing that I am so supported and loved if I just open up to it. Helping me to connect back to the true essence of who I am. Bringing in more joy, lightness and love, releasing the old trauma, wounds, and fear. 

This training has really helped me to understand the importance of holding space and creating a safe container for my beautiful clients to drop deeper and allow themselves to surrender to their breath and to the powerful healing capacity of their energy body. To understand deeper the power of prayer, intention, sacred smoke, cleansing ceremonies and creating a safe container bringing in our guides, ancestors and the highest frequency of light to work with us all on our journey together.  

I have loved combining this beautiful Cacao medicine with Rebirthing breathwork in my group circles. 

To start with cacao and a deep ceremony to connect into our hearts, and open our hearts and energy centres, chakras, can really help us to deepen our breathwork journey and release deeper and have transformational experiences. 

To find out more about my group Cacao Ceremony, Breathwork & Sound Healing journeys and enjoy coming together in circle face to face in North Bondi, see below for future upcoming events this month.


Rebirthing Breathwork:

Rebirthing Breathwork session 2-2.5hrs $299

10 session package deal $2500

3 session package deal $800


Cacao ceremony, Rebirthing Breathwork & Sound healing journeys $55- 75 for a 2 hour journey


Coconut Spice Health & Welnness

Thankyou for all the hard work you put into the meditation challenge. It was very special!



Chrissie is my favourite yoga teachers – who has inspired me to continue my practice for many years. Including her wonderful retreat in Bali! Bliss. Even the hardest classes leave you feeling relaxed



Chrissie holds such an incredible sunrise yoga class. By the ocean, her words of inner wisdom, her guided practice with the waves in the background completely soothes my soul. Throughout the class I feel present, grounded and empowered. I have never felt so in tune or aligned in life like I have after attending her classes. When I don’t attend her classes, I feel as though something is missing.

Chrissie’s Monday and Thursday sunrise yoga classes at Wileys are my favourite classes to attend. She is a beautiful soul



Amazing yoga teacher, felt so relaxed and stretched out afterwards. Chrissie is an experienced professional who creates a safe, nurturing environment in her yoga classes so you know you’re in good hands! Highly recommend

Laura – Coogee

Laura – Coogee