Free resources & gifts for you to enjoy!

Free Women's Health Yoga Flow
For Women's Health week, please enjoy this free yoga flow. In honour of all women who work so hard, take care of your families, often putting yourself last, it's time to prioritise yourselves. Enjoy this lovely 20 minute gentle yoga flow, set at the beautiful Wylie's baths with the sounds of the ocean behind me. It's a perfect flow if you're feeling tired or on your moon cycle, helping to release lower back pain, or tenderness, or tension in your body. It helps to increase the circulation through your hips and pelvis and relax your body and mind. It's also nice if you're pregnant and need a little release for your lower back and pelvis. Avoid any deep twisting or back bending.

Free Yoga Nidra meditation
Please enjoy this beautiful meditation, yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep. It helps us to achieve a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, typically induced by a guided meditation. A state called yoga nidra is mentioned in the Upanishads and the Mahabharata, while a goddess named Yoganidrā appears in the Devīmāhātmya
The goal of yoga nidra is to promote a profound state of relaxation, which differs from sleep inasmuch as there is still an awareness of one's surroundings.

Free Mandala Yoga Flow
Enjoy this lovely Mandala flow yoga class. Opening up the body and bringing circulation through the joints and the hips. Moving around our mats a little to change up our perspectives and seeing things from a different view and flowing with the breath. Embracing change and something a little new. Take this time out for yourself, flowing with the water element and the sound of the ocean from beautiful Wylie’s baths.